Tapping into our inner sense of gratitude is important for our own mental health but we also have an incredible opportunity to express it to other people. And very often, all it takes is a kind word or a “thank you”.

Indeed, the benefits go both ways. Dr Martin Seligman, one of the founders of the field of positive psychology, has shown that the benefits of a single gratitude exercise – writing and delivering a thank you letter – can last for an entire month.

By taking a moment to share your gratitude for a family member, friend or colleague, you can strengthen your relationships and boost resilience.

Express your appreciation to others with these three Microsteps: small, science-backed steps you can start taking right now.

 Which will you try?


Microstep #1: Say a heartfelt “thank you” to someone every day.

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions, with benefits that extend inward and outward. You have an immediate opportunity to add something meaningful to someone else’s day. And you might be surprised what an impact you can have.


Microstep #2: After completing a project, write an email thanking a colleague (or your whole team) for their support.

The simple act of putting your gratitude in writing will strengthen your relationships with co-workers and allow you to reflect on how much their support helped you before you move on to the next task.


Microstep #3: Take a moment every week to compliment a colleague on a job well done.

It’s a great way to boost work bonds and show others that you value their contributions.

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